December 2024 Horoscope: How to Survive Double Retrogrades and Holiday Trauma

Welcome to December, Star Seeds.

The month begins with a powerful new moon in Sagittarius in the early hours of December 1st (November 30th for those on the West Coast.)

Under these dark skies and the influence of Sagittarius, we’re reminded that the unknown is the last horizon of hope, and that curiosity—a better bet than caution, if we let it—is our best defense against fear.

Both Mars and Mercury will be retrograde in December. Sergey –

As Mercury, our coyote planet of technology, communication and travel, stations direct mid-month, the shadow period of this deceleration juxtaposition lasts until the first of the year, giving the holidays an extra layer of intrigue and intensity and, if we allow, an abundant opportunity to redefine family, ritual and food.

“In the expansive, philosophical and adventurous Sagittarius sign, there’s plenty of room for improvement on multiple fronts.” astrologer Babs Cheung, known as the Astro Interpreter, tells The Post.

On December 6, Mars, our belligerent planet of will and desire, goes retrograde in Leo, inviting us on a kind of self-inquiring hero’s journey where we slow the hell down and think long and hard about the consequences of our actions, the authenticity of our desires and the history we are writing with the blood and grace of both.

The winter solstice celebrates the longest night of the year. Arthur –

A cold full moon in Gemini lights up the sky on December 15, and the winter solstice arrives on December 21, ushering in Capricorn season.

And then, my friends, after Yule and Christmas, it’s a slow slide into the new year.

Here’s to a breeze that feels light and a new year that’s better than where we’ve been. Forward, always forward.

Read on to see how the planets will have their way with you.

Slow down and take it easy, Aries. vladayoung –

For Aries Cheung advises to pull back instead of pushing forward at all costs.

“This is the time to get good at building your patience and easing into the pursuit. Being able to take a step back, rather than forcing your way into a random solution, will save a lot of unnecessary stress, especially during the holiday rush.

Check and collect this month, Taurus. vladayoung –

For Taurus people, Cheung says, “It’s time for the cool Taurus to put on the auditor’s hat and get better at looking into the details of their transactions. Whether it’s with friends, colleagues or family, this season is making you look a little more closely at the finer details of your pleasant relationships, especially when it comes to time, money and effort.

Wherever you see debt or money owed to you, make sure it’s been collected or at least addressed; the last thing you want is to be a broke down bull in the china shop.”

Lean into active listening this holiday, Gemini. vladayoung –

For Gemini, the theme of this season is relationships, all the beauty and gore and the countless ways they make and break us.

“Relationships take center stage for you this Gemini season, which means plenty of room for melodramas to play out in your closest circles,” shares Cheunge. “The best way to overcome the stress of social dramas is to be able to listen actively. I know this is a difficult question, but it is necessary when so many misunderstandings occur due to poor listening skills.”

Really taking the time to listen to the other person ensures that you respond tactfully instead of reacting in anger. Praise be.

Cheung adds, “Also, be sure to take notes while the tea is pouring; you never know when you might need those bills.”

Beware of bah-humbug, Cancer. vladayoung –

What is usually a season of flannel and fun can leave you feeling itchy and isolated, Cancer.

Cheung recommends organizing the schedule and workflow to build in the time needed for restoration. Now is the time to rest and tune in so you can show up with all your heart and full strength as the year draws to a close.

Guard your heart and know yourself, big cat. vladayoung –

Leo babies should beware of ex’s seduction, lest the wrong heart strings become a noose.

Cheung explains, “Whether you’re welcoming your ex or shuddering at the mere thought of it, this slowdown in your love life can lead to some real headaches and heartbreak. And just when you thought cuffing season was going so well! Take the opportunity to ask yourself the hard questions: How did your ex make you feel when you were with him? and “Is this something you want to get back into?”

Delegate to dominate, Virgo. vladyoung –

For Virgos, Cheung says delegation and patience will pave the way to serenity, or at least send you down the dirt road that leads away from chaos and self-imposed exile.

She shares: “No one bothers you more than your family, and they will surround you from all sides. It’s no wonder you’re everyone’s go-to when it comes to details, party planning, and information sharing. I know it’s a thankless job, but your family wouldn’t know where to go if it weren’t for you.

“Take the opportunity to improve your patience and create text messages and email templates to help you send blasts to your family group chat and email list.”

Don’t mince words or shout them out this season, Libra. vladyoung –

As always, you’ve done a good job of putting out fires while remaining calm, Libra, but December may find you reaching the boiling point.

“Short fuse alert! Libra, it’s very likely that wires will get crossed and communication will be misunderstood, which can lead to stress and anger during the holiday season,” says Cheung. “Try your best to find the humor in these inevitable miscommunications. If you can’t laugh because it’s so frustrating, just tell people around how you feel.”

She promises that sticking to a clear and concise communication style is a better bet than rejecting tactics or passive-aggressive suppression, both of which cause stomach ulcers and premature aging of the face and soul.

Tighten your purse strings, Scorpio. vladyoung –

Cheung tells Scorpios to tighten their purse strings to avoid the stress of overspending and rely on the art of re-gifting.

“From all indications, you’re likely to have a lot of buyer’s remorse if you buy something new or invest in new projects. At this point, you better be good at reviewing inventory or reviewing contracts and the fine print,” she offers. “That said, I have a path for you! You can completely repurchase whatever you already own and give as a gift to someone else.”

As my dear friend and rising Scorpio once told me when gifting me a beloved dress of hers: “It means more if I give you something I still love.”

Be brave and bold in your personal improvement, Sagittarius. vladyoung –

Cheung warns Sagittarius to shoot from the hip to hold off on aesthetic changes and new statements until the new year.

“If you were planning to make a drastic change, I would think again. I say this because the trend you are looking for may not stand the test of time after the retrograde. What you might consider is reevaluating your aesthetic, your vibe, and the things that help you express yourself in ways that don’t require a dramatic change.”

The translation? Be brave and bold in your personal improvement, but for the love of all, don’t cut your bangs.

Cheung asks the sea goats to seek the unseen in order to work through their shadows. vladyoung –

Happy return of the sun to you, Capricorn. As you wait for the glory of your season, Cheung notes that it can be rough before it gets right.

“This month is no walk in the park as you will be facing past fears, limiting beliefs, bouts of imposter syndrome and all the nasty little bits you’ve been trying to hide in that box in the corner of your mind. “

More boots on the ground than head in the clouds, Cheung asks the Sea Goats to seek the unseen in order to work through these shadows.

“Your dreams will literally speak to you as a way for you to process some of these themes. This creates a great opportunity to go inside and talk about your hidden struggles with a loved one or, even better, a trusted therapist.

“You will feel lighter after doing this much needed work.”

From haunted to healed, a poem.

Water bearers may be inundated with invitations this month. vladyoung –

More lone wolf than party in a box, Cheung warns that water carriers may be inundated with invitations.

“Everyone will want a piece of you, Aquarius, and your power of the social calendar I conquer you this month,” she says. “The best way to handle this is to get as many people together with aligned values ​​as possible so you can spend quality time in the group.”

Try to see these mix-and-match situations as opportunities rather than obligations, and steer conversations toward issues that matter—rather than trivial pursuits that don’t matter.

“Yes, you are responsible for entertaining and if you don’t think you are a real or natural host, this is the perfect time to learn and become one!” Cheung advises.

Sometimes, being the perfect host feels like leading the group into altered states and uncomfortable conversations. Get weird, stay cool, make snacks.

Pisces people will face challenges from authority figures this month. vladayoung –

Cheung says that Pisces people should beware that authority figures, both parents and professionals, can be particularly accusatory/instigating.

“This month will have you in a work/people-pleasing mood, eager to cross off as many things as possible before the holiday rush engulfs the office. With tensions high and holiday cheer threatening productivity, be sure to triple-check deadlines and get a paper trail to make sure you cover your fine a–. When the Scrooges start asking questions, you’ll be safe from their cautious anger.”

Although Pisces people may not feel comfortable showing off or being praised, this is the time to not only accept praise, but also shamelessly self-promote.

Be proud of who you are and don’t be afraid to ask for more.

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

#December #Horoscope #Survive #Double #Retrogrades #Holiday #Trauma
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